Riposte to an elder who wants to arrange a shepherding call....
"Thankyou brother but Jehovah is my shepherd. I shall lack nothing. Thanks for offering!"
at kh my typical response to the lords of brooklyn .
can you pray for me?.
remember me when you get into your kingdom .
Riposte to an elder who wants to arrange a shepherding call....
"Thankyou brother but Jehovah is my shepherd. I shall lack nothing. Thanks for offering!"
this video showed a married brother with three children living in a nice domicile and working full time.
his employer demands that he change his working pattern such that it conflicts with his being able to attend wt meetings at the weekend.
the brother decides not to yield to his employer’s demand and is thus dismissed.. the brother seeks for work very actively over a significant period but without any alternative being found.
Yes Dozy, it is hard. However, only attended these two meetings. One sister who's awake knew that the videos would irritate me but said I managed to keep a straight face! Inside though, I found the videos amateurish, banal, and to be endured rather than enjoyed. I know from overhearing many that the videos are disconcerting. The other videos - the ones being marketed strongly as useful in the ministry - many here in SE England just not using them. They are cheesy on the one hand and not culturally sensitive on the other. This particular GB's efforts are quite counter productive in many ways.
this video showed a married brother with three children living in a nice domicile and working full time.
his employer demands that he change his working pattern such that it conflicts with his being able to attend wt meetings at the weekend.
the brother decides not to yield to his employer’s demand and is thus dismissed.. the brother seeks for work very actively over a significant period but without any alternative being found.
This video showed a married brother with three children living in a nice domicile and working full time. His employer demands that he change his working pattern such that it conflicts with his being able to attend WT meetings at the weekend. The brother decides not to yield to his employer’s demand and is thus dismissed.
The brother seeks for work very actively over a significant period but without any alternative being found. He is quite melancholy and concerned for the welfare of his family understandably. He then decides that with all that time available to him, he might as well pioneer for a time. Well! Well! Well! Wouldn’t you know that after engaging in the pioneer service, he actually gains employment and lives happily ever after! He is also able to attend all the WT meetings.
So this is the second video in August which heavily portrays engagement in the pioneer service as a lifestyle to be lauded and which avoids or solves problems. No frank discussions as to the pro’s and con’s whatever. Highly idealistic!
What I found interesting in the video, is that whilst the title is “Jehovah Will Care for Our Needs” the camera at the beginning focused on a kingdom hall contribution box and zoomed out whilst the narrator was making reference to the title! So the needs being met were being visually linked to contributions in a way rather than via any divine providence!
The reaction in the audience of the local kingdom hall – faces again flat, blank, vacant, glazed. Countenance of some seemed somewhat embarrassed – perhaps as a result of the portraying of pioneering as some sort of talisman!
this video portrayed an elderly widowed sister who was a former pioneer and now reduced to submitting field service reports of 15 minute increments.
she was also portrayed as quite frail in that she ambulates with the use of a quad rollator frame.
she was very neatly attired and groomed and what the video showed of her apartment conveyed everything perfectly tidy to a level which would have relaxed an ocd sufferer.
This video portrayed an elderly widowed sister who was a former pioneer and now reduced to submitting field service reports of 15 minute increments. She was also portrayed as quite frail in that she ambulates with the use of a quad rollator frame. She was very neatly attired and groomed and what the video showed of her apartment conveyed everything perfectly tidy to a level which would have relaxed an OCD sufferer. Her attire and domicile also suggested that she was financially secure, despite her (and I think her husband’s) many years in pioneer service.
The video was exploring what role such an elderly and frail sister might pursue in her congregation within the limits of her functioning. The camera focused on a young sister at a pivotal point in her life. She had envelopes with papers pointing out for the camera. One such was an application for university, the other for pioneer service. Such a dichotomy from the WTBTS / GBoJW didn’t surprise me. What did surprise me was that the video then identified the role of the elderly frail sister in persuading the young sister to forsake an education and pursue pioneering.
This veneer of a paradigm might have been attractive to some in the audience. It avoided the possibility (some would say likelihood) of financial difficulties later in life by portraying a picture of an elderly and former pioneer who seemed financially secure. It also legitimizes and puts a nice face onto the WT’s nihilism about further education. Many an individual at the age of that elderly sister would perhaps extol a higher education, affirm the youngster for considering such, and help her to honestly examine the pro’s and con’s of whatever decision she decides to make. But no such balanced approach in this video. Using the extolled silver hair and wisdom paradigm to put across the WT’s disdain of further education is truly heinous!
The reaction in the audience of the local kingdom hall – flat, blank, vacant, glazed. No, nobody seemed impressed or encouraged in the slightest.
in paragraph 2 of this study, the gbojw evidences once again that they are sticking to the absurd 1914 doctrine – “when the last days of the present system began...”.
i noted that as 2014 approached, the gbojw became somewhat reticent about making reference to revelation 12:12 – the “short period of time” scripture.
so this study is the first one in a long time in which both the 1914 doctrine and revelation 12:12 are mentioned in the same study.
Despite several different trains of thought being expressed in this particular thread, most of the responses are focused on then component about the abusive nature of the organisation. Perhaps an evidence of the numbers of people being hurt as a result of the psychological cruelties directed at folks.
The purpose of my blogging in general is to...
a) Engage in catharsis of sorts
b) Validate the experiences and thoughts of other victims
c) Contribute to an online community of victims and assuage their hurt
d) Highlight the sophisticated mendacity and other dysfunction in the organisation to those still in & who peruse this site
e) Contribute to the increasing body of knowledge as to the true & real functioning of the organisation and its officers
It is true perhaps, that the only way to avoid being damaged by the religion is “to stay the hell away” as LongHairGal opines, but then again, there are many who feel they cannot do so as they are in the invidious position of being psychologically excoriated (shunned by family) if they remove themselves and thus continue to be affiliated but remain out mentally. The latter (as in my case) represent a cost to the organisation via the removal and incineration/recycling of published literature, and abstention from making financial contributions. I think this may be termed as passive aggression!
What else have I done to undermine the organisation? Well, by being still in physically and out mentally, I have had a chat with several whom I can trust and who in the past were reaching out. I have explained the secular charitable trustee role that goes with becoming an elder and the responsibilities therein. I have advised such ones that...
a) If they wan’t to be an elder they should consider refusing the trustee position
b) If they accept the trustee position they should consider getting third party liability insurance
c) Consider avoiding the role of elder all together.
The above advice is primarily because of the WTBTS / GBoJW appalling legal and financial governance and which could mean that secular government agencies or wronged individuals may have cause to issue criminal or civil proceedings. Thus far, I know of one MS who was reaching out for the position of elder but who remains an MS as a result of having become conscious of the aforementioned paradigm. He has his own business and understands the meaning of risk and the need for the aforementioned insurance!
So yes, LongHairGal is right in many respects, but for those like I who are still in physically, it is more a case of damage limitation and protection than complete avoidance of damage all together!
in paragraph 2 of this study, the gbojw evidences once again that they are sticking to the absurd 1914 doctrine – “when the last days of the present system began...”.
i noted that as 2014 approached, the gbojw became somewhat reticent about making reference to revelation 12:12 – the “short period of time” scripture.
so this study is the first one in a long time in which both the 1914 doctrine and revelation 12:12 are mentioned in the same study.
In paragraph 2 of this study, the GBoJW evidences once again that they are sticking to the absurd 1914 doctrine – “When the last days of the present system began...”
I noted that as 2014 approached, the GBoJW became somewhat reticent about making reference to Revelation 12:12 – the “short period of time” scripture. So this study is the first one in a long time in which both the 1914 doctrine and Revelation 12:12 are mentioned in the same study. The latter is mentioned in paragraph 4, but not in direct reference to 1914. From 1914 to 2014 could hardly be regarded as a “short period of time” never mind 1914 to 2016! The GBoJW are brave in putting both these (1914 and Rev 12:12) in the same study article. Some might say foolhardy rather than brave. I could not give a rebuttal to such a perspective!
The GBoJW then boasts at the end of paragraph 2 that “the number of God’s people on earth is now greater than the entire population of many nations”! Yet in the 2016 Yearbook, the % increase box is left empty for the following nations’ annual report....
American Samoa; Armenia; Australia; Bahamas; Britain; Canada; Cook Islands; Cuba; Czech Republic; Estonia; Finland; Germany; Greece, Greenland, Grenada; Guadeloupe; Hungary; Iceland; Japan; Kazakhstan; Korea, Republic of; Kosovo; Lebanon; Martinique; Moldova; Netherlands; New Zealand; Portugal; Puerto Rico; Romania; St. Eustatius; St. Kitts; Serbia; Sweden; Tinian; Trinidad & Tobago; Yap.
(Bold and underlined showing the more developed nations). I think that explains their slant at the end of paragraph 2 – just desperate for an opportunity to boast rather than honestly acknowledge decline! They are truly fixated on increasing numbers, despite Jesus having said that “... few are the ones...” Matt. 7:13
Paragraph 3 seeks to extol JW’s as loving people – principally because they don’t go off and kill each other or their neighbors in war. They “did not participate in that global slaughter” the paragraph states in reference to WWII. However, omitted is participation in another type of slaughter – concerning the ultimatum to abstain from life saving blood transfusion upon pain of psychological excoriation! There are no statistics that I’m aware of evidencing direct mortality as a result of the blood transfusion doctrine, but the numbers are surely significant. Such does belie the organisation's claim to have “love” as its “dominant quality”. Such a claim is shallow when one considers the ageism in the organisation – dismissal of CO’s upon their 70th birthday, dismissal of many bethelites, the anti-education policy and consequent maintenance of poverty / financial struggles, shunning and more! Not loving that I can discern. Not my experience either! Ask anyone who’s been a victim of the BoE if you don’t believe me!
Paragraph 5 cites Matt. 22:35-39 under the heading of a “Test of Loyalty”. This scripture is a nice one. The first part is a vertical relationship with God and to me represents spirituality. It does not require any intermediary such as BoE’s or the GBoJW/FDS! So their reference to this scripture to try and convince one to be loyal to the JW organisation is specious and vacuous. The second part of the scripture is a horizontal relationship with one’s neighbor and to me that is religion. The GBoJW would have us believe that their defined ministry is the application of this scripture. However, that trying to place WT literature, show WT videos to people is showing love to one’s neighbor is questionable to put it mildly.
The end of paragraph 13 strongly reinforces the JW idea of salvation being through affiliation to the JW organisation. There is no reference to the Bible’s teaching that salvation is a result of faith in Christ - “known the holy writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through the faith in connection with Christ Jesus” - 2 Tim 3:15 and “For the undeserved kindness of God which brings salvation to all sorts of men...” – Titus 2:11. There are many other scriptures pertaining to salvation and none of them even remotely suggest affiliation to an organisation is a requirement!
Throughout the article, there is again an unrelenting emphasis on being forgiving and/or waiting on Jehovah to correct a matter. There is an absence of counsel for the perpetrators of malign acts to apologize and make restitution to their victims. This is hardly surprising bearing in mind the excessive use of denial maintained by the WTBTS in dealing with the issue of child molestation. In many respects, their handling of this situation is truly egregious and exacerbates the suffering of the victims. So for this organisation to preach the gospel of forgiveness when it is the perpetrator of many wrongs without the slightest semblance of remorse is a wanton outrage!
In reading this article, I am again brought to an understanding of why they removed the magazine’s statement of purpose from the January 2013 issue onwards wherein they used to say that it “Adheres to the Bible as it’s authority” and that it “Encourages faith in Christ...” Nope! It adheres to another entity as it’s authority and encourages faith in the GBoJW (aka FDS) and has thus become Korah like in that the Greater Moses is very much an afterthought!
in this discussion, we will be examining three precepts on the part of the gbojw which they use to claim that we should be obedient to them and their boe.
these precepts are.... - the bible instructs to be so.
- boe are appointed by holy spirit.
In this discussion, we will be examining three precepts on the part of the GBoJW which they use to claim that we should be obedient to them and their BoE. These precepts are...
- the Bible instructs to be so
- BoE are appointed by Holy Spirit
- the GBoJW is FDS and require such
In the Insight on the Scriptures Vol II, under the heading “SCRIPTURES”, the following is stated:
Essential for Christians. Since Jesus Christ constantly appealed to the Hebrew Scriptures to support his teaching, it is important for his followers not to deviate from them. The apostle Paul emphasizes their value and essential nature when he says: “All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.”—2Ti 3:16, 17.
Additionally, in the Watchtower magazine of June 1st 2000, in an article headed “”The Changing Face of ‘Christianity’ – Acceptable to God?”, the writing committee of the GBoJW would have us note the following...
“The disfiguring of God and Christianity continues today. A professor of religion recently described the struggle in his Protestant church as one “over the authority of Scripture and creed versus the authority of alien and humanistic ideologies, between the church’s faithfulness to the lordship of Christ versus an accommodation and reformulation of Christianity to the spirit of the age. The issue at stake is this: Who sets the agenda for the church . . . Holy Scripture or the dominant ideology of the day?”
I would agree with the above whole heartedly. It is important for Jesus’ followers not to deviate from the scriptures. However, I am concerned that the “disfiguring of God and Christianity” is not solely a phenomenon peculiar to organisations other than the organisation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. In recent years, the frequency of demands for obedience and loyalty to the JW organisation, it’s BoE’s and the GBoJW is quite perturbing. Currently, there seems to be a veritable onslaught of demands for this obedience and loyalty; but the focus is actually on deference to BoE and the GBoJW. Were the demands for such obedience and loyalty focussed on Jesus Christ, then I would not be perturbed in the slightest but would be welcoming and applauding such.
Both I and my friends have had very bad experiences at the hands of our local BoE. The experience of my friends is much worse than what I have experienced, and I am in awe at their restraint and poise in the face of egregious BoE deportment. Thus, I have embarked on an exploration of whether or not obedience to JW BoE and their GBoJW is actually a Christian requirement.
At a simple level, I know in my heart of hearts that something is very very wrong. If what the GBoJW contends is actually correct then I wouldn’t be experiencing all these negative emotions. No, if what they assert is actually true, then I would be having experiences of being spiritually fortified, encouraged, refreshed, up built. If only that were really so! But relying on emotional mal-experience is not sufficient. Thus, another reason to explore scripturally, if the aforementioned demands have legitimacy.
1st precept - the Bible instructs us to be obedient to JW BoE / GBoJW.
The WT of April 1st 1988 page 30, in an article headed “Is Obedience Always Proper?” the GBoJW relates the following...
Obedience to our Creator, Jehovah God, is always proper. As our Maker and the Source of life, he has the first claim to the obedience of his creatures. (Psalm 95:6, 7) As the Supreme Sovereign, Jehovah also delegates his authority to others who meet his standards, and this makes our obedience to them appropriate. Foremost among such persons is Jesus Christ. Since 1914 he has become the God-appointed King of the heavenly Kingdom “that the peoples, national groups and languages should all serve even him.” (Daniel 7:13, 14) Furthermore, as Head of the Christian congregation, Jesus has imparted authority to others therein, making our obedience to such undershepherds appropriate.—Hebrews 13:17.
The assertion based on Hebrews 13:17 has been repeated multitudinous times since 1988. However, when one explores the meaning of the Greek word translated as “obedient” in a Biblical lexicon, it becomes clear that what is actually meant is “to persuade, to win over” Peitho/ Πειθεσθε (Greek from Kingdom Interlinear) in the Passive and Middle Voices, “to be persuaded, to listen to, to obey,” is so used with this meaning, in the Middle Voice, e.g., in Acts 5:36-37 (in Acts 5:40, Passive Voice, “they agreed”); Rom. 2:8; Jas. 3:3; Gal 5:7; Heb. 13:17:...
Well that is interesting. I continued reading the lexicon and it went on to add that “The ‘obedience’ suggested is not by submission to authority, but resulting from persuasion. However, the way the GBoJW portrays the translation of this word (Peitho/ Πειθεσθε) is more like that mentioned elsewhere in the Bible – Peitharcheo which means “to obey one in authority” (arche “rule”) and is translated as “obey” in Acts 5:29,32; “to be obedient”, Titus 3:1.
Thus, the GBoJW demands the obedience of publishers to themselves and their BoEs on the basis of a poorly translated verb and portraying the meaning of that verb (Peitho/ Πειθεσθε) erroneously as just outlined. Therefore, if a member of the BoE came to me and demanded that I wear a white shirt and a suit when undertaking “privileges” in the congregation, I could accept such on the basis of being persuaded by the proper use of scripture. If he were to demand that I be attired in such a way without being persuaded by the proper use of scripture, then I’m afraid he will just have to be humble and accept that that the limit of his expectation is that my apparel be modest and well arranged (1 Tim. 2:9) and that beyond that the BoE too are subject to scriptural authority such as minding their own business (1 Thess 4:11) and not be a busybody in my affairs (1 Pet 4:15). However, I would also say here that even if I were approached by an individual who is not from the BoE, perhaps an individual in “filthy clothing” / “vile raiment” (James 2:2-4) approached me and gave me counsel on the basis of proper use of scripture, I would feel obliged to defer to such.
In view of the rather wide ranging focus on the authority of the BoE / GBoJW and the vigour with which they are increasingly eisegetical in their publications etc., it is likely that I would continue to view what they demand in the way of obedience, loyalty, and deference with considerable circumspection.
However, the same article from 1988 is somewhat more convergent with the Bible’s teaching than much of what is taught today. That same article had this to say....
Is it always proper, however, to listen to those who have been entrusted with positions of authority? Not if they attempt to use their authority in an ungodly way..... But what if such ones order us to do something in conflict with the laws of the almighty God? What Paul said next indicates the proper course: “Not by way of eye-service as men pleasers, but as Christ’s slaves, doing the will of God whole-souled.” (Ephesians 6:5, 6) On another occasion, Peter and the other apostles said: “We must obey God as ruler rather than men.”—Acts 5:29.
Test the Inspired Expressions
What about the authority in the Christian congregation?..... But it does not mean that we obey such authority without giving due consideration to what is being said. Why?
The apostle John offered this counsel: “Do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God.” (1 John 4:1) This does not mean that we should be suspicious of everything others tell us. Rather, we bear in mind Paul’s words at Galatians 1:8: “Even if we or an angel out of heaven were to declare to you as good news something beyond what we declared to you as good news, let him be accursed.”
Is the person spreading that message speaking to honor the name of Jehovah, or is he trying to exalt himself? Is the information in harmony with the overall teachings of the Bible? These are questions that will help us in ‘testing’ anything that may sound questionable. We are admonished to “make sure of all things; hold fast to what is fine.” - 1 Thessalonians 5:21.
We don’t get thoughts like that anymore in the Watchtower magazine. Rather, it tends to be replete with references to the Faithful & Discrete Slave and thus seeks to have readers honour and elevate the GBoJW in their minds! To do this, one has to enter into a state of denial, a state of rejecting the authority of scripture which the GBoJW now seems to pay lip service to!
2nd Precept - BoE are appointed by Holy Spirit.
“Bearing Thorough Witness” (Chap 5) – We Must Obey God As Ruler
20 Jehovah’s people today follow the apostolic pattern. Men recommended for congregational responsibility must manifest godly wisdom and give evidence that the holy spirit is operating on them. Under the direction of the Governing Body, men who meet the Scriptural requirements are appointed to serve as elders or ministerial servants in the congregations. (1 Tim. 3:1-9, 12, 13) Those who meet the qualifications can be said to have been appointed by holy spirit.
“Keep Yourselves In God’s Love” (Chap 4) – Why Respect Authority (Respect in the Congregation)
16 Elders and ministerial servants are not perfect. They have failings, as we do. Yet, the elders are “gifts in men,” provided to help the congregation remain spiritually strong. (Ephesians 4:8) Elders are appointed by holy spirit. (Acts 20:28) How so? In that such men must first meet the qualifications recorded in God’s spirit-inspired Word. (1 Timothy 3:1-7, 12; Titus 1:5-9) Further, the elders who evaluate a brother’s qualifications pray earnestly for the guidance of Jehovah’s holy spirit.
Both of these publications avoid claiming that the decision to appoint individuals to BoE is “inspired” by Holy Spirit in any way. Rather, they strongly allude to candidates giving evidence of their lives being convergent to a reasonable degree with the qualifications outlined in the Bible. For my actual experiences with a BoE in determining whether or not an individual is to be appointed as an elder, see my blog on ..... (Part 2 – Watchtower qualifications for those “reaching out” – a paradox!”
I have no experience of individuals being compared with the scriptural qualifications to discern if they are appointed by Holy Spirit. Sole criteria was their ministry hours, meeting attendance and participation, and a ready deference to the BoE of course! Hardly scriptural! The behaviour of the BoE, the GBoJW e.g. – the UN NGO affiliation debacle, the inimical positioning to the Australian Royal Commission into child abuse, and the GBoJW iron rigidity in contesting/denying/appealing all cases of child abuse/molestation, and the UK branch of JW’s pertinacious attempts to obstruct the Charity Commissions investigation of them re child safeguarding policies; all of these give very strong empirical evidence of another spirit being in operation with these individuals! Were they (BoE and GBoJW) truly appointed by God’s Holy Spirit, their behaviour would be radically different and not a profile which exemplifies turpitude, self-absorption, and unkindness. The profile which they have exhibited is remote from anything I can find in 1 Cor. 13.
3rd Precept - the GBoJW is FDS and legitimately require obedience
The reverence being shown to the “Faithful & Discreet Slave” (GBoJW) by Jehovah’s Witnesses is truly remarkable. There is very little scrutiny of GBoJW conduct, which is now more readily discernible following their commencement of broadcasting, and also via the increasing use of digital media – for example one of their number’s evasion of appearance at the Supreme Court of California despite he and his colleagues’ readiness to portray to publishers, the need to defer to Luke 12:12 – rather two faced to put it mildly. How is that GB member’s behaviour faithful and discreet? Indeed, in what way is the GBoJW’s engagement in broadcasting themselves faithful and discreet? Why do they assume that because they are members of the GBoJW that such qualifies them as proficient public speakers and able to handle God’s Word with competence. If the GBoJW is really the FDS then why are they not faithful to God’s Word? I’m referring to the 1975 teaching, the “generation” teaching and their subsequent sophistry in arriving at tortuous revisions which have nothing to do with God’s Word. I’m referring to their steadfast retention of the 1914 teaching. Part of such is that several years later Jesus inspected them and approved them. Yet they were smokers, wearers of crucifixes, celebrators of birthdays and Christmas. Yet if Jesus really did inspect them and approve of them with such practices at that time, then why are individuals who would dare to smoke, have a crucifix, celebrate a birthday or Christmas be disfellowshipped on the grounds of apostasy today? Why don’t they exercise the mercy which Jesus must have exercised towards them if he really did approve them in such circumstances? Maybe their 1914 / 1919 teaching is simply erroneous? I think so!
In the scriptures which the GBoJW utilize to portray themselves as the FDS, the context is that of parables – illustrations. That they then take such out of context to be prophetic is rather poor to put it mildly. It’s much easier to read in the NIV where good use is made of subheadings, and one is visually confronted more readily with the fact that Jesus was using parables for teaching purposes.
Personally, I feel dreadfully uncomfortable in being obedient to the FDS and their BoE’s. I feel that I would be following men. A very strong scriptural reason for this position is detailed by the apostle Paul at Hebrews 1:1,2...
“God, who long ago spoke on many occasions and in many ways to our forefathers by means of the prophets, 2 has at the end of these days spoken to us by means of a Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the systems of things.”
Despite the GBoJW repeatedly trying to convince people of God having used an organisation to communicate his will and that he uses the modern day organisation of JW similarly, this scripture says that he has hitherto communicated in “many ways” but only through the prophets. In the first century, thereafter, and now, he has “spoken to us by means of a Son whom he appointed heir of all things”. This scripture does not leave any space for an intermediary such as a GBoJW or their self proclaimed status of FDS (like a de facto scredotalism). No, it’s just Jesus. This understanding is compatible with 1 Cor 11:3 “... the head of every man is the Christ...” and thus again, no room for an intermediary such as a GBoJW or FDS. Again, Romans 14:9 says that Jesus is “Lord over both the dead and the living”; Eph 4:15 affirms “..him who is the head, Christ”. That Jesus is the head and no intermediary is in turn compatible with what Jesus himself taught in Matt 23:8 “... whereas all you are brothers” – no concept of a hierarchy in Jesus’ statement. Further, the scriptures state that “... the Christ also is head of the congregation...” (Eph 5:23) and “... he is the head of the body, the congregation..” (Col 1:18). So this too, rules out any GBoJW/FDS intermediary as being a legitimate teaching. I note that in the 2013 revision of the NWT, the GBoJW seeks to convince readers that there was a GB in the first century. This is a mere projection of the GBoJW’s need to augment what in reality is a scripturally enervated position and teaching regarding their status. The Bible then and now portrays a brotherhood with Christ as the head. This is far removed from a stratified institution with a GB as the head and which prides itself in its many legalisms, and elevates its publications as having a similar merit to scripture.
The GBoJW is condemned by its own words. In the earlier quoted WT magazine of June 1st 2000, in an article headed “”The Changing Face of ‘Christianity’ it was stated that “The disfiguring of God and Christianity continues today. A professor of religion recently described the struggle in his Protestant church as one “over the authority of Scripture and creed versus the authority of alien and humanistic ideologies, between the church’s faithfulness to the lordship of Christ versus an accommodation and reformulation of Christianity to the spirit of the age...?”
The GBoJW has disfigured God and Christianity. The organisation is a highly stratified hierarchy where much importance is attached to one’s position in the organisation (ministerial servant, elder, pioneer, circuit overseer). Obedience to their teachings and precepts takes priority over love. Yet “God is Love” teaches the apostle John (1 John 4:8, 4:16). Examples of such love being lacking are multitudinous, including the dismissal of many circuit overseers due to their age (betraying the GBoJW’s lip service to “silver hair”) and the dismissal of many “Bethelites” without any supportive package placement(s) – what was that golden rule stated by Jesus?! The GBoJW for its part esteems ministry hours and barely mentions the first commandment thus, in its literature...
“One of the scribes who had come up and heard them disputing, knowing that he had answered them in a fine way, asked him: “Which commandment is first of all?” 29 Jesus answered: “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel, Jehovah our God is one Jehovah, 30 and you must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind and with your whole strength.’ 31 The second is this, ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
Truly simple, beautiful and refreshing teaching on the part of Jesus, but one which is not significantly featured by the GBoJW in its literature or digital media. No! The “humanistic ideology” here is one of 21st century corporate productivity - ministry hours, meeting attendance, enrolment as a “Pioneer”, and elevating the lordship of the GBoJW rather than “faithfulness to the lordship of Christ”.
So obedience to the GBoJW and its BoE is not a requirement for Christians that I can discern. However, obedience to the Christ is essential! There is a difference!
How can JW’s today give a rebuttal to the accusation that they are followers of men and/or men pleasers?
i know this is an old topic, but it came to mind again.... yes it is appropriate for people to dress neatly and respectfully for a dignified religious gathering, but why does it have to be a full suit with collared shirt and tie?.
why does it have to be a full dress or skirt and jacket?.
sure, we would find it distasteful for a person to arrive in swimwear or work overalls or other inappropriate attire, but why does it have to conform to strict standards?.
In my congregation, one is required to wear a suit for assignments. The BoE did not give an explanation for their decision. OK! I withdrew from assignments and from contributing financially. I've no regrets. The BoE decision was a good one in retrospect. Whilst I don't wear a suit, nevertheless I'm regarded as sartorial.
I use the example of John the Baptist to expose the arrogance of my local BoE and the ecclesiastical authorities of the WTBTS....
John the Baptizer was a Nazarite, so just like Samson he could not cut his hair. Thus, when seen in the vicinity of the Jordan preaching, his hair would have been quite long – longer than was socially acceptable then – probably reaching all the way down his back. It was likely the same with his beard, reaching all the way down to his abdomen.
His attire consisted of a camel skin caftan type garment (in those days usually used only for tents). He also had a leather belt. To onlookers, his style may have reminded them of Elijah or Elisha who attired themselves similarly. So his style of dress, rather like his grooming, was not within the normal societal parameters of the time. But does that really matter? In reading the Bible, I cannot discern any censure pertaining to his attire at all. It seemed irrelevant as many thousands flocked to him on the basis of his message and got baptized. Others were sent to him by the then ecclesiastical authorities to identify who he might be and his role. They didn’t take issue with his attire and grooming that I can see.
Of course, John was appointed by the Most High from birth. There is no evidence whatever that the Most High nor his son Jesus, the Christ, were disapproving of John on grounds of his style of dress. No indeed, of John the Baptizer Jesus said: “Truly I say to you, among those born of women, there has not been raised up anyone greater than John the Baptist....” (Matthew 11:11) What a really nice testimony. How thoughtful, discerning and kind Jesus was (and still is). Not so the WTBTS!
We can learn from John’s peers about focusing on other than a style of dress.
Was James possibly influenced by John the Baptizer in his counsel about “a poor man in filthy clothing” (“vile raiment” – King James version) and associated “class distinctions”? There is such a lot of focus in the organisation as to what one’s apparel is - especially for brothers with platform assignments. It is so prescriptive. Like a neurosis of sorts. No scriptural justification.
In that John’s life and ministry was acceptable to the Most High and his Son Jesus the Christ, what does this say about those in the organisation who may disdain and marginalise individuals as a result of not meeting the standard of dress defined by the modern day ecclesiastical authorities?
Why should the ecclesiastical authorities in the organisation set standards for dress when the standard is already set in 1 Tim 2:9 (modest and well arranged)?
Are there brothers in congregations who wear beards? Do they have “privileges” in keeping with other brothers who are clean shaven? Seeing brothers with beards participating in speaking/teaching assignments is in my experience is extremely rare. In fact, can’t remember any occasion at all!
My conclusion is that the WTBTS exemplify the characteristics of Nebuvhadnezzar. They think more of themselves than is necessary. A truly repellant disposition!
the following is a brief examination of one disturbing paragraph in the august 2016 study watchtower - "do you see the need to make spiritual progress?"11.
what spiritual qualities can we work to develop, and why are they important?
11 develop spiritual qualities.
can you allay my suspicions of wt associated activity?.
during the last 3 to 4 co visits, i noticed a predeliction on the part of the ladt few co's for taking photos at fs meetings and photos of cong at end of visit.
i'm beginning to suspect that such is not because the co's have a newly found socially engaging disposition (being cool).
Hi bohm,
I'm in the UK. Here, organisations have to be registered data processors if they collect peoples' information. They are legally required to explain to data subjects (you and I) why they gather the info, how it is stored, and how it is shared. WT in UK has always been tense at the requirements of the Data Protection Act and has changed policies hither and dither as its advice changes. Thus far, I cannot rebut my suspicions about them as data handlers and I increasingly see my "brothers" as "big brother" but with a generous sprinkling of incompetence!